Monday, May 9, 2011

10 Days Challenge : Day 1-10 things about YOU


OKay guys, as I promise I'll update after office hours. Yes, now is the time before I went to meet my each & everyone lovers of mine at our own dreamland with sweet dreams. I'll tried my very best to complete this 1st Day Challenge among 10 of them overall.

10 things about YOU

  • Born as a baby girl on 15th Jan 1988 (Save my B-Day!)
  • Grown up by educated family , good behavior , etc in Penang , M'sia - I'm a PENANGITE!
  • 2nd daughter @ 3rd child to my beloved family
  • I'm a CONVENT girl , proudly CGL rawkx!
  • STPM-highest education I'd
  • Now; one of a million's of government's staff (3yrs-til now)
  • a cat LOVER
  • INDEPENDENT-being alone far away from family for 3yrs | Pjya-Png ! ;(
  • MATURE minded than the age of mine , WISELY thought only CRAP when lose control of mind

D.o.n.e for my 1st Day Challenge. Do I look like ~euw~ with my challenging answers?
YES?! Hey DO I CARE. This is my personal entry on my blog so don't like it , I don't GIVE A DAMN
HahaHahaHaha I'm kidding if U thing U know me better U can "COMMENT" to let me know by describing me. Would LOVE to share the thoughts from U guys.

Interested on this challenge too so why not join me on this 10 Days Challenge too , hey c'mon guys..chill babeh! N'joy!


Thank you for commenting on my words.
May Allah bless me and you , Ameen

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