*this is an email that i received from a friend to just share to all the Muslim friends @ bloggers*
Alhamdulillah, All thanks are due to Almighty Allah for blessing us with sustenance and healthy lifes. With the recent bonus received from our beloved company, I would like to humbly call upon all of us to donate/rather contribute to the construction of surau/ Masjid. At the moment, there are only two proposed surau/ Masjid to be constructed, that I know of, in Nusajaya ie:
(i) Mesjid Nusa Idaman , Nusa Idaman, Nusajaya:
ü Masjid reserve of 1.5 acres;
ü Cost of actual masjid is estimated at RM2 million.
ü The biggest amount of contribution to the account was RM25,000/- by an anonymous donor. Masyallah.
ü Currently completed the construction of Dewan Musalla within the lot boundary of Masjid reserve in Nusa Idaman, adapting an open concept at a cost of about RM120,000/-.
ü Recently held the debut maulidurrasul on 1st April 2011. However, having been there twice, there is still a lot of things need to be done eg. Tiling works etc,
ü For those who wish to donate/ contribute, can do so at the click of your finger by CiMBClicks transfer to : 011 700 000 751 07 ( JK PEMBANGUNAN MASJID BANDAR NUSAJAYA ) CIMB ISLAMIC.
ü Alternatively, (i) transfer can also be done through ATM. (ii) Deposit directly to the above acc.
ü For your info, the smallest amount you can transfer is RM1.00 . Let’s put our newly discovered wealth to good use.
(ii) Surau Nusa Bestari Jaya, Nusa Bestari Jaya, Nusajaya:
ü Surau reserve of 0.25 acres;
ü The committee has so far collected RM8,447/- out of the proposed construction of the RM150,000/- surau .
ü For those who wish to donate/ contribute, can do so at the click of your finger by CiMBClicks transfer to Tabung Pembinaan Surau Nusa Bestari Jaya Acc no: 012 700 000 071 02.
ü Alternatively, (i) transfer can also be done through ATM. (ii) Deposit directly to the above acc.
ü For your info, the smallest amount you can transfer is RM1.00. Let’s put our newly discovered wealth to good use.
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