Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The 30 Days Challenge-Day 12 : Your current relationship , if single discuss how single life is

As each and everyone who ever drop my blog definitely will now recently about 5 months and few days back I was no more holding the SINGLE title after a friendship turns to love. It's all happen just so fast after more
then a year knowing each other deeply yet supposedly we are friends since end of 2008 cause we are in the same batch were place where we are working right now.

Alhamdulillah , both parents are OK with this relationship. Even tho it's still new and quite freshie , what I can
say is I glad to found someone that really understand and genuine man. After almost a year my heart was deeply broken and some of the guys out there hardly trying to win it but I only fall this love. Hoping it will be the one and the very last ever til my last breath.

Latest picture that we took leave to go back to the northern of my hometown fpr a small fest and holiday with my family and also friends in Penang. But for the second time I meet her sister in Bandar Bharu , Perak and his sister and children are sporting yet I was there for a night seems it's too late to make our move back to Penang.We enjoyed our holidays in Penang and my family , aunties and relatives are okay to accept my new love. Until he is the one who decide to stay and took leave on Monday because he felt hard to end his holiday.

I don't need a SMART , GOOD LOOKING , WEALTHY  boyfriend  , all I need is SINCERELY ,
LOVING , CARING and most importantly is RELIGIOUS.

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