Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013

Salam u olls ,

First entry for this year. 
Happy New Year of  2013 to everyone !

Had an AWESOME countdown w mummy at Ambang 2013 Putrajaya. (Will do some update soon, In Sha Allah)

Its time to say Good Bye 2012 where there's a lots of unhappy moments I've been through. In Sha Allah , #2013 would be a better one for me, Ameen. What's done is done, what's said is said. Time to move on from the past and work on a better future. Lots of things happened in a span of one year and it did not feel like a year at all. Ups and downs, heart breaks, headaches, annoyance, hatred. Many other things that involves many entities. 2013 is a new cycle of what's going to happen. I just hope that it will bring good news, happiness, new obstacles, new objectives and expect the unexpected. 2012 has been not so alright to me which there is ups and downs, however, I hope that 2013 to be great!

again Happy New Year #2013 from me!
May the brand new 2013 bring all of you with lots of joy and happiness!


  1. selamat tahunbaru ty,semoga kita lebih happy dan bahagia di tahun 2013 ni...x mo sedih2 lagi...cayangggg awak..

    1. In Sha Allah , mudah2an begitu lah hendak Nya. Amin. Saya sayang awak jugak =)

  2. Selamat tahun baru salam perkenalan :)

  3. selamat tahun baru...nice blog :)

  4. Hepy new year tuk Ty jugak...semoga segala galanya success

  5. selamat maju jaya dalam segala bidang.. keep it up!

    Bro doakan semoga berjaya 2013


Thank you for commenting on my words.
May Allah bless me and you , Ameen

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