Friday, January 22, 2016

Hari Jadi 2016

15th Jan, it's my birthday.
Nothing so special about the day. It's just another day to go through. Alhamdulillah , dah seminggu pun Im officially 21. (Percaya kan?)

Midnight call , singing n wishes also text as usual. Only Thank You all I can say. Appreciate it so much. I dont ask for any hundred either thousand of Ringgit Malaysia kind of present too. Cukup la kalau ingat. But if I got any from anyone , it's just a bonus.

Actually , my birthday gift I got it earlier from +noor affida raffika mohamad nazari  a 3D2N short trip vacay at Malacca. Thank you babe. Speechless. 

more pictures on Instagram - Personal FB

But about 2 am , surprisingly I've been kidnap. Sound scary rite? Just come over to wish me. You are crazy , you know who you are. TQSM!

As usual , every night I went for a night jog - walk etc. But, rain starts-too bad. So we decided to meet at +fiza fantagirO  favourite mamak restaurant. 

Gigih cik kak!

OMG! For the rest of my life , i'm celebrating my birthday at Mamak! Nampak x, tak memilih. You guys rockx , girlfriend. The effort of lighting up the candle is the best moment. Riuh siot. Nak tengok video? Terjah FB / IG mereka. Terima kasih Kak +fiza fantagirO & Kak +Sue Izza . 

And recently weekends , beloved Mummy came to KL. So as she wanted to go and shop at Jalan Tar , as a belated birthday girl , I got 3 pairs of simple cotton Baju Kurung. Oh ya , I asked for it. Jadilah kan pakai gi kerja bukan dating erk. Sorry sikit.

Syukur sangat. I am being with lovely people surround me. Love you , you , you , you , you and youuuuuuu. Yes , I do. Cukuplah tahu I really do and mean it, tak perlu kot I need to say it day & night. Tapi I want it to be say it to me day & night , aci tak? Kidding!

Again, Thank You So Much for the wishes , gifts , surprises also being here and there for me.

Yan Ty


  1. Happy belated birthday dear.. cute giler basikal tu. Bwh menara taming sari eh??

  2. bestnya,ramai yang sambut..hehehe..happy belated bday dear..

  3. bila umur makin menginjak nih, the best thing is bila org jauh yg jarang dan lama kita tak contact, still igt birthday kita.. rasa terharu sampai nak meleleh ayaq mata.. tak sangka..

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! Moga Yanty di murahkan rezeki dan di pjangkan umur

  5. happy belated birthday. ehehe sonok jugak kan celebrate kat mamak. bawak kek sendiri, pastu order macam macam makanan


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May Allah bless me and you , Ameen

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